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Monday - Friday - (8:30am - 5:00pm)

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An Attentive And Affordable Attorney For The Perry County Oil And Gas Industry

For a law firm that can deliver solutions tailored to the needs of Perry County’s oil and gas industry quickly, efficiently, and affordably; call the Cardwell Firm.

Oil and gas remain a cornerstone industry of Mississippi wealth, and Perry County is no exception. It is ranked 7th in the state in oil and gas extraction and production. But where there is oil and gas, regulations and legal verifications are sure to follow.

That is where The Cardwell Firm, PLLC, steps in to help. Started by a Texan born, turned Mississippi native, attorney Andrew Cardwell, the firm has always had a focus and friendship with the Oil and Gas industry. Putting its familiarity with employment contracts, real estate law and the energy sector together to facilitate the work of oil and gas entrepreneurs throughout the state.

By handling all the legal jargon, necessary paperwork, and crucial legal and regulatory tasks, we free you up to focus on what matters most: keeping the Perry County economy turning and growing. With the Cardwell Firm you can count on efficient, affordable and attentive legal service.

Bolstering The Perry County Oil And Gas Energy Sector At Every Level

Oil And Gas Lawyer Perry County Mississippi Wherever oil and gas flow, regulations and paperwork are sure to follow. The federal government and state alike have a keen insight and oversight on the industry, and that means a lot of whoops to jump through in terms of permits, rights, contracts and more. Those beurocratica and legal costs can quickly eat away at oila and gas profits, especially downstream for the little folk just trying to get by or make some much-needed money selling property rights. From downstream extraction to upstream refinery, every level of the oil and gas industry in Perry County requires its own set of specialized and flexible legal services, that the attorneys of the Cardwell Firm are more than happy to provide.

Upstream: Getting The Perry County Oil And Gas Sector Running

The foundation of the oil and gas sector is exploration and extraction. Without new prospects, new wells, and new methods, the sector would quickly dry up and all of Perry County would be the poorer for the loss. The Cardwell Firm is proud to keep the pumps turning and the deals rolling. Our lawyers are ready to handle all your downstream oil and gas legal needs, including:
  • Preliminary Title Opinions
  • Division Order Title Opinions
  • Joint Operating Agreements
  • Farmout Agreements
  • Leases
  • Options
  • Surface Use Agreements
  • Damage Waivers
Have a need that is not on the list, we can probably handle it too, give us a call at (601) 401-6134 to get a quote and a timeframe.

An Attorney For Every Oil And Gas Midstream And Downstream Legal Need

Oil and Gas flows through Perry County even when it hasnt been extracted here. While calling it a lifeblood of the County might be a stretch, there is no doubt that many livelihoods depend on everything from its transportation to refinement. Jobs that the Cardwell Firm is proud to play a role in creating and maintaining each year. In addition to all the regulations and risks we help companies navigate and deal with, we also help with key legal expenses. Notably contracts and other employment concerns. From small businesses to industry moguls, we offer an affordable, accessible and attentive “all-in-one” legal services. So whether you are small time entrepreneur looking to get into oil and gas transportation, or a major company that needs to draw up some iron-clad employment contracts and agreements, we have your back. Be they corporate, employment or real estate, your legal needs are in safe hands with The Cardwell Firm, PLLC.

Call Our Experienced Oil And Gas Attorney For A Quote Now

Oil And Gas Lawyer Perry County Mississippi The Cardwell Firm, PLLC | Your Perry County one stop shop for all your oil and gas sector legal needs, from titles to agreements and employment contracts, we do it all rapidly and affordably. If you are just getting started in the oil and gas sector, have been approached by a large firm about exploration or extraction, or are already established and looking for someone to handle your legal needs, The Cardwell Firm stands ready. Don't let the paperwork build up or run the risk of losing out on an important investment or deel because you waited. Call (601) 401-6134 for a quote from our oil and gas attorney today, and get results as soon as tonight or tomorrow. Andrew Cardwell knows how important a tight turnaround can be, and for those who can afford to wait, the value of your time and money. The Cardwell Firm stands ready to handle all your Perry County oil and gas sector needs, all you have to do is hand them over and focus on what really matters, your land, career, or company.
Call To Set Up A Consultation | (601) 401-6134
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